16 February 2012

Quick Update and Rimmel Disco Ball Glitter

I'll post the review of my GlossyBox Beauty Box tomorrow night. I've been meaning to write it all week, but my new job is really tiring me out. My 'I Love This Box' is also waiting for me at the post office at the moment, but I won't get time to pick it up until Saturday. It's getting a bit crazy really, getting 3 beauty boxes a month! I will definitely have to cut back once the probation period is over. I also bought a glitter nail polish the other day:

Not my fingers. Photo schlurped from this blog.

It's Rimmel Disco Ball. They're 'in' at the moment and I just couldn't resist! Though apparently I'm a bit behind the times, because they were sold out of all glitter nail polishes at K-mart! After searching for ages, I finally managed to find one bottle on the bottom shelf at the back under a completely different brand at the opposite end of the section from the Rimmel display. Befuddled, but bought it anyway!

I'll say goodbye with a link to a 1950s magazine with an article on Marilyn Monroe's Health Routine. I wonder if she actually said all of those things, or they were the result of some creative editing! (Make sure to keep clicking 'Next' to see all 4 pages!)